Water cooling
The utilization of machine units in the closed circuit water cooling system is getting more and more important regarding to progressive global warming.
The cooling tower of dry coolers by which is necessary to take into consideration that the water temperature in a summer time will be higher than 30 ⁰C, are not able to assure the requirement for the constant low water temperature (often deeply under 15 ⁰C).
It is important to install the water and oil chillers to heavy duty machines or cutting machines where the constant temperature is required (±0,5 °C). These systems are applicable where is the strict tolerance band (±0,002 mm). For example to high performance drilling machines or cutters on production islands for manufacturing boards for printed circuit, etc.
To ensure the high quality of products the constant temperature of spindle oil, lubrication oil and gear box is required.
Modern chillers help to reduce the operating costs because they use the cold water to chill the machines and this system leads to machine´s higher effectivity and longer service life. With the one single chilling system is possible to chill more than one chilling circuit with the different medias and different media´s temperature.
Energy savings can be reached by the “free-cooling“ system. The Free Cooling System uses a drycooler combined with a chiller and a 3-way valve to optimise the water flow and the operating costs. When the external temperature is quite cold, the chiller goes off and maximum energy savings are achieved. The higher the temperature in the cooling water circuit, the more efficient is the chiller operation and the longer the Free Cooling can be used, thereby reducing the system operating costs.
The free cooling system is applicable to many areas: food production, plastic material processing, laser utilization, engineering industry, paper and chemical industry, etc.